Table 9-14: Medical Incompatibility Table d20* Result Effect 20+ Super effective Where possible, the medicine doubles its effect (for example, healing two Wounds instead of One). 15-19 Ineffective The medicine has no effect, but no ill-effect either. 10-14 Dizziness and nausea The character gains a level of Fatigue for 24 hours. 8-9 Muscle spasms The character gains one Wound. If already incapacitated from Wounds then he gains a Fatigue level for 24 hours. 6-7 Muscular damage Strength drops by one die type. If Strength would drop below d4 then he gains a Wound instead. 4-5 Nerve system damage Agility drops by one die type and the character is paralyzed for 2d6 hours. If Agility would drop below d4, then the character is only paralyzed. 3 Brain damage Smarts drops by one die type. If Smarts would drop below d4, then the character falls into a comma and is vegetative. 2 Major nerve system damage Agility drops by one die and the character is completely paralyzed until all Wounds are healed. If Agility would drop below d4, then death occurs. 1 or less Death The Character is killed by the reaction to the chemical. * Modified by the drug’s Medical Incompatibility Modifier The character administering the drugs can make Healing roll to reduce the effects. A Success adds +2 to the d20 and a Raise (or more) adds +4. Also, note that mutants with the Negative Chemical Reaction defect roll a d10 on this table.