Goat Mother and Others: The Collected Mythos Fiction of Pierre Comtois

Pierre V. Comtois & Charlie Krank & Nick Nacario

Language: English

Publisher: Chaosium Inc.

Published: Mar 16, 2016


In the glory-days of pulp magazines many editors abused and exploited their writers. They would hand a writer a piece of cover art and ask for a story crafted to match that art. Some of these authors were quite skilled at writing marketable tales, but the prize must go to the extraordinarily versatile Pierre Comtois — always happy to craft a story for any occasion, in any sub-genre, to go with any wacky title.

Pierre Comtois embeds his horror stories in the midst of real historical and personal circumstances. His devotion to pulp fiction is evident on every page but, like other skilled pulp writers, he shows the influence of classic literature.

In these nineteen stories of Lovecraftian horror, he takes us from the farm country of Dunwich to the darkest corners of Central Asia, from Arkham to the Russian steppe, from the Arizona desert to the frozen landscape of Antarctica. Here is a gateway to the disturbing, the horrific, and the shuddery strangeness that gripped you the first time you discovered the off-trail fascination of the Cthulhu Mythos!

Written and selected by Pierre Comtois, edited by Nick Nacario and Charlie Krank. Cover art by Victor Leza. Interior art by C. George Porter and Gregorio Montejo. 448 pages. Trade Paperback.
