Star Trek: Shatnerverse - 003 - Avenger

William Shatner & Judith Reeves-stevens & Garfield Reeves-stevens

Language: English

Publisher: Star Trek

Published: Jan 1, 1973


From Library Journal

Shatner and his co-writers resurrect captain James T. Kirk to join Ambassador Spock and the crew from Star TrekR: The Next GenerationTM in saving the Federation. A radical Vulcan group, the Symmetrists, sets out to prove the Federation's vulnerability by unleashing a deadly virogen that destroys chlorophyll and kills the food supply as a warning against ecological monocultures. Continuing the storylines from the last Star TrekR movies and following through on the first series' stories about Kodos the Executioner, Shatner's team has created a compelling and satisfying morality play with a wiser Kirk and more emotional Spock. Recommended for Star TrekR collections.
Copyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Product Description

A lethal virus, inimical to all conventional forms of plant life, threatens the entire Federation with starvation and dissolution. In the moment of Starfleet's greatest need, Captain Kirk (believed long dead) joins Spock in a desperate quest to find the true source of the mysterious virus.