Star Trek: The Original Series - Log 01

Alan Dean Foster

Language: English

Publisher: Ballantine Books

Published: Sep 18, 1991


Three exiting episodes from television's most popular science fiction series!

Complete in this volume

Beyond the Farthest Star

The Enterprise goes to investigate a mysterious radio signal and suddenly finds itself locked in orbit around a dead star. The suddenly, as if that weren't bad enough, the alien ship is taken over by a potent alien force . . . a force that may destroy the Enterprise and everyone aboard!


Spock travels back into his past to protect his future that is still to come . . .

One of Our Planets is Missing

When a huge cosmic cloud is reported moving into the outer fringes of the galaxy, the Enterprise is sent to investigate. But before the crew can do anything, the cloud consumes the planet Alondra . . . and then heads for Mantilles— a planet with 82 million people!