Bringers of Death

Christian Dunn & Marc Gascoigne

Book 7 of Warhammer 40k:Anthologies

Language: English

Publisher: Games Workshop

Published: Sep 13, 2005


In the grim darkness of the far future, manking teeters on the very brink of destruction. The galaxy spanning Imperium is under threat on all sides by a multitude of alien races and from within by the insidious forces of Chaos. Constant war is humanity's only chance of survival and standing at the forefront are the Space Marines - gentically engineered warriors, and the massed ranks of the Imperial Guard, each willing to lay down their lives for mankind's survival. Brimming with action-packed tales of bloodshed and courage from such authors as CS Goto (Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War) and Sandy Mitchell (For the Emperor and Caves of Ice), Bringers of Death throws you headling onto the desperate battlefields of the 41st millennium. Bringers of Death is an ideal entry point for all readers hungry for more action from the gothic future world of Warhammer 40,000.
