The Spook's Curse

Joseph Delaney

Book 5 of Last Apprentice

Language: English

Publisher: RHCB

Published: Jun 29, 2005


About the Author

Joe Delaney is an English teacher living in Lancashire. He has three children and six grandchildren and is a wonderful public speaker available for conference, library and bookshop events. His home is in the middle of Boggart territory and his village has a boggart called The Hall Knocker, which was laid to rest under the step of a house near the church. Believe it or not, the haunted house in The Spook's Apprentice is based on fact! As a child, Joseph lived in a similar house in Preston where he had a recurrent nightmare. In the dream he'd be sitting on a carpet in the front room whilst his mother was knitting. Then, everything would become cold and a shadowthing would come up from the coal cellar, pick him up and carry him back towards the dark. What's even more spooky... his brothers had the same nightmare!