Games Workshop Ltd

Warhammer 40; 000 Apocalypse: On Contaminated Ground

Language: English

Published: Dec 9, 2013


Of the million worlds that comprise the Imperium of Man, there are no few that are all but inimical to human life. Official designation refers to these planets as death worlds, but there are many classifications that further identify their hazardous nature. Rad worlds are amongst the very deadliest of these sub-categories, named for the lethal levels of radiation that saturate these inhospitable planets. Whether the cause of such toxicity is a naturally occurring phenomenon, or in some cases, the fallout from terrible and ancient wars, rad worlds are deadly in the extreme to those not shielded from the cruel elements. Organisms that have not evolved to survive in these malignant environments are doomed to suffer a horrible, agonising death if left exposed to the radiation’s murderous effects – skin blisters and peels from flesh; liquefied organs burble from rad-parched lips; even muscles atrophy and slough away from bone.